Wednesday, August 8, 2007


So Barry Bonds broke Hank Aaron's homerun record last night and it's just another black eye for Major League Baseball. Everyone knows that he took steroids but he still refuses to admit to it. Asked by one reporter at the postgame conference whether this record were tainted, Bonds responded, "This record is not tainted at all. At all. Period." Right...just keep on lying Barry, just like when you were before a grand jury and you said you had never knowingly used steroids. Oh you thought the cream you were rubbing on your arms was flax seed oil. Flax seed oil?! What bull shit. I hope Barry Bonds lies his way right to hell!

On a more comical note, how funny was it seeing Bud Selig's reactions at the game when Barry hit 755. He wanted nothing to do with this homerun race and it showed on his face and in how he reacted. At least he was classy enough to make an appearance and make some kind of previously prepared statement.

Finally, I'd like to thank Barry for providing me with one of the most entertaining Phillies games I've ever been to. Last season on Cinco de Mayo, myself, TJ, Coz, Sean, and Sean's brother Joe took in the game against the Giants with our traditional sombreros and TJ looking even more like a Mexican with a Corona poncho on. So while we were in the parking lot doing some hardcore tailgating, these high school kids had bought a foam oversized needle with the word "Cheater" on it and they were parading it around. Somehow, TJ was able to steal it off of them and smuggle it into the game. So we spent most of the game (we were eventually told to move on at some point in the game for directing some derogatory comments towards Tim Worrell)perched at the bullpen area in centerfield leading the "Cheater" chants with the foam needle. CLASSIC.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When it's all said and done and Bonds retires. No one will care about him, he will have a big head, small balls, and always have to deal with a big * next to his name in the record books.

And good times going to that game, and you know maybe it was us being really really drunk but that foam needle was lost that night along with my respect for NJ strip clubs.